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Turbines & Generator Services


Gas Turbine Services

Whenever possible, power plant owners prefer to plan for major turbine outages that involve gas turbine overhauls. However, forced gas turbine outages do occur and too often result in the need for expedited engineering response and immediate turbine outage services.

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Steam Turbine Services

Whenever possible, power plant owners prefer to plan ahead for major turbine outages that involve steam turbine overhauls. However, forced steam turbine outages do occur and too often result in the need for expedited engineering response and immediate turbine outage services. 


Generator Services

For electric utility-sized generators, MD&A provides generator specialists to conduct full scope electrical testing, visual inspections and specialty tests as per customer requirements.  We employ trained and skilled experts who approach challenges.

MD&A Company Overview Video

MD&A Company Overview Video

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San Pío X 2460, office 1310 


Santiago, Chile​

CP: 7510041

Phone:     (56-2) 2232 7720 

                (56-2) 2865 7720​

Since 1987

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