HV Instrument Transformers

Current Transformers (AGU)
The CTs are used to step-down current to defined values, and thus provide standardized, useable levels of current in a variety of power monitoring, measurement and protection applications while insulating the measurement and protection equipment from high system voltage. Maintenance free.
Um: 72,5 kV to 800 kV.
In: up to 6000 A.
Short circuit: up to 100 kA (Idyn: 250 kA peak).
Secondary cores: up to 1.

Power Voltage Transformers (VPT)
Single phase insulated power are intended to be connected to high voltage system and used for a direct supply of low voltage level electrical power to substations or remote consumer, in areas where distribution grid is not accesible. Maintenance free
Um: from 72,5 kV up to 550 kV.
Rated output: 10 to 333 kVA per phase.
Unique ferroresonance immune design (open type magnetic core).
Compact size and light-weight design – easy transport and installation.

Inductive Voltage Transformers (VPU)
Those are used to step-down high voltage to defined values, and thus provide standardized, useable levels of voltage in a variety of power monitoring, measurement applications while insulating the measurement and protection equipment from high system voltage. Maintenance free.
Um: from 72,5 kV up to 550 kV.
Up to 6 secondary windings.
Unique ferroresonance immune design (open type magnetic core).
Explosion safety - Internal arc resistant.

Combined Transformers (VAU)
Consist of a inductive potential transformer and a current transformer. They are used to reduce current and voltage to define values, and thus current and voltage level can be set in a variety of power monitoring, metering, and protection applications that winch the system's high voltage measurement and protection equipment.
Um: 72,5 to 550 kV.
Up to 6000 A.
Short circuit: up to 100 kA (Idyn: 250 kA peak).
Secondary cores: up to 10. Secondary windings: up to 6.

Capacitor Voltage Transformers (VCU)
Those are used to step-down high voltage to defined values, and thus provide standardized, useable voltage in a variety of power system protection, monitoring and measurement applications while insulating the low voltage equipment from high system voltage. Maintenance free.
Um: from 72,5 kV up to 800 kV.
Up to 6 secondary windings.
Modern capacitor insulation - mixed dielectric with synthetic impregnating liquid.
Power line carrier application ready, accessories optional.